Sunday, February 24, 2008

Candle In The Wind

There's an eternal flame of love
for Princess Diana,
a love that I can see.
A fire felt by the young, and old.
A burning fire
from affection deep within our souls.
Her tragedy crossed our path,
but a radiant feeling
in our hearts will forever last.
We must take time to see
that keepers of the flame
is what we must be.
She's a true legend who will outlive
the last fading light of the universe.
A lovely rose
who wanted so much to grow,
with enough radiance
to steel the show.
One single rose of beauty,
no other flower could compare.
A special woman
who showed the world how much she cared.
We should not forget Princess Diana,
especially since we've drifted apart.
The eternal flame of love
began at midnight,
a flame that will never burn out,
and will always remain in our hearts.

C 2001 Life's Poetic Journey

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I need to say something special
to each and every poetic friend,
before it slips my mind.
Each and everyone of you
is a jewel
in life's sparkling crown,
a rare and precious find.
Although our lives and homes
may change
as we grow from young to old.
I predict
that our friendship will never die,
for it shines like pure gold.
Never feel that you are all alone
on life's endless sea.
No mater what the years may bring,
you'll always find a friend in me.
Your poetic words are sweet, warm, and dear.
Words that tell me what is in your heart
when we share a laugh, a cry, and a dream.
Words that mean so much,
even though we are many miles apart.
I may never see an angel near
on sad and lonely days
to be my guardian light,
to lift my soul,
and help along the way.
But, I'm sure God hears our prayers
as he sends through heaven's door
someone who believes in us,
and that's what friends are for...

C 2001 Life's Poetic Journey

Friday, February 8, 2008

~~~~MY POETRY~~~~

My Poetry can be Viewed On these Websites...

I've been Published over the last 10 years in many Anthologies at:

from 1995 to the present time...

My 3 Books of Poetry Include:


Words To Live by

Life's Poetic Journey

I've written over 500 poems from 2001-2008

Some of my work has been showcased in Magazines, Ezines & AOLs AIN--Amazing

Instant Novelist--Writing site when I worked there as NovlHeart--helping New

writers get published--while posting & showcasing my own work.

Monday, February 4, 2008


There's a heavy veil of dreariness
that I see on this winter's day.
A dreariness
that saps all the hope and love I have,
leaving my life no longer gay.
With the bitter coldness
chilling my bones,
while gray clouds hide the sun
and wintry winds sing sad laments
as this new day has begun.
Sadness carpets all the world
as darkness takes its toll.
No vibrant colors can be seen,
for gray is the only color
that has covered everything.
Then all of a sudden,
appearing among the clouds
came a brillant golden ray.
A flying dove from that ray
turned the darkness into light.

C Geri Ahearn
Life's Poetic Journey

Sunday, February 3, 2008




Editor, Colleen Breuning

Beautiful Poetry & Breathtaking Photos...

Be Sure To Visit...A Calm, Peaceful Environment, filled with Inspiration....


PoetWorks Press is now seeking Poetry submissions for its next Anthology

Titled "BabyBoomer Birthright."

Submission guidelines Can be found on the Following Website:

Submission deadline is April 30, 2008


This Blog is Fairly New...And Since I'm up to my Chin in book REVIEWS--LOL

I will be a bit delayed in Constructing this Blog

As I intend to make it a Place Of Comfort & enjoyment--Our getaway Cafe--Except we

need to brew our own fresh Coffee...

Every now & then--I will Continue to Add some News & Poetry & Links Of Interest..

Wishing U All A Great Week!

Cheers, Geri